Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New Sparkplugs and An Oil Change

Hope to had stay home from school due to pink eye. Her medicine had been ordered but needed to be picked up. I stayed home with her. While here I got a couple projects done. The first was changing the sparkplugs in the Aurora. I hadn't changed them since we've had it. I thought this wouldn't take long. Four hours later I was done. I learned that this car does not have spark plug wires. Instead it has a plastic cover that go down to where the plugs are. It took alot of work but it does run smoother. I also changed the oil in the scooter. It has needed to be done for sometime now and I finally had the chance. Following this Hope's medicine was ready, so after I had picked Grace up from school, we went to pick it up. Grace had been asking for a couple weeks if I could pick her up from school on the scooter. Today was that day. It was beautiful today.

Weather today: It was a beautiful day. This morning started out cloudy and a chance of showers. That decreased as the day went on. It did get windy and is still somewhat gusty.

WellI have hot dogs that are screaming to be BBQed.


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The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.