Sunday, July 20, 2008

Call It Almost Gone.....

This weekend has been quite busy. Late Friday night I had to do my monthly 3rd shift visits. This requires me to visit nine residential homes and monitor staff. I must fill out an unscheduled visit form to document my findings. I started at 11:00 Pm and finished at 3:00 Am. Saturday morning Tina had to work. I mostly just lounged around. About noon, the girls and I started to take apart the wall that separates our dining area and the living room. We've wanted to open it since we've moved in. I finally got the courage to start tearing it up.
Mitchell, our dog appears to be lonely and needing a buddy. After I got all the sheetrock and dust up we went to the new Union County Animal Shelter. The girls found a dog they would like so we filled out an application. We are waiting to hear.
Last night, I went to hear The Hinsons. Back when I was in junior high and high school I enjoyed the music of the Original Hinsons. Ronnie, Kenny, Larry and Yvonne Hinson made up the original group. They are probably best known for their song "The Lighthouse", said to be the most recorded gospel song in history.

These days the group consists of Bo Hinson (Ronnie's son), Kym Calvery (Ronnie's daughter), and Shawn McDougal. It was a trip back to my roots, but to the tune of modern country. I hadn't seen the Hinsons in probably 27 years. While in California, I would at times take my mom to southern gospel concerts when groups would come through the area. While not a big country music fan, I did enjoy last night's concert. In my opinion the best song of the night was "I'm Still Here".

This morning at Crossings, Mark gave a great talk. God has a big "kabot". As His creation we are small, but to often decide we do not need to trust him because we feel we are self sufficient (bigger than God). Trust/faith plays such a big part in the life of a follower of Jesus. This was a very good and much needed reminder. The talk was followed by a time of worship. Like I said, it was great.
Following Crossings we went shopping and had lunch at Sam's Club, EarthFare, Borders, and World Market. Today has been kinda weird for me. My bearings have been off all day. I went the wrong way on Kingston Pike while going to Crossings. Went the wrong way while going to World Market and then to EarthFare.
Thankfully, I am home now and not going anywhere. -Norm

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The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.