Friday, March 10, 2006

The Home Going of a Care Provider

Today, I attended the funeral of the group home administrator for some of my clients. The pastor who conducted did an excellent job. I find it interesting to listen as people recall a person's life at their funeral. As someone in attendance I found myself frequently thinking "I didn't know that about her". A few things I learned were that she was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. She accepted Christ into her life at 15 years old while attending Sunday School. What followed was a marriage that lasted until her recent death. Becoming wheelchair bound due to MS and all the challenges that brings. Even with this condition she had a huge impact on the lives of those around her and the residents she cared for.

Her greatest ambition in life was that everyone, her family, friends and each person she came in contact with would come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We met a number of times with each other and never talked Jesus. Most of our conversations centered around the clients we serve.

Each time I leave the funeral of a Christian believer, I can't help but think, who will take their place in touching the lives they touched? Such was the case today.


Weather today: Freezing all day and currently snowing. Spring can't get here soon enough!!!

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The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.