Monday, July 03, 2006

A New/Old BBQ

I had to put our old gas barbeque to rest earlier this summer. It was an old Kenmore with a wooden frame. We got it when we were apartment managers. A tenant left it behind so we adopted it.
I have been on the lookout for another one. The other day I stopped by our local Salvation Army store. They had several and one was in very good condition. They wanted $24.00 for the best one. I left empty handed. A few days later, the banner went up 50% off everything in the store on Friday! I got a nice BBQ for $12.50! I have a tank and need to fill it up then I will be in business. I love BBQ hot dogs.

I will hopefully be filling the tank tonight and then let the Qing begin!

Current weather: 100+ degrees. It was a great ride in this morning.


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The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.