Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Difficult Week and Hot!

While on my motorcycle ride to work on Monday morning I remember thinking what great ride it is. I am taking back roads that are lined with oak trees. When I arrived at work I was told the news about coworker. There had been a shooting at their family home and she was dead. It is still unclear what happened. The investigation is still going and the autoposy will be done on Friday. We also had a visit from OSHA. I have been working deligently to get needed documents and training records. Next, an employees mother called about reports of the air conditioner in our building not working. This was untrue, but they called the local new t.v. station anyway. A reporter came out to access the situation. They did a very favorable report on us.
Thankfully these happened at the first part of the week. Thing are a little slower now.
After all my projects were finished last night. I soaked in our small pool. It felt so good!

No word yet about funeral services.

I still think it was a nice ride in on Monday. It is all that has followed that has been difficult.

Current weather a staggering 110 degrees! Rumor has it, it could get up to 117 be the end of the week.


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The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.