Thursday, August 03, 2006

Life Outside The Fence

Jhn 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

As I was on my way to work yesterday this verse popped into my brain. At a time when we are fighting for freedom and trying to maintain stability in other parts of the world freedom has a price.
Personal freedom also has a price. Here in John, Jesus is speaking of spritual freedom. It will cost us our guilt, shame, self condemnation and past hurts. It will also take bowing at the foot of the Cross admitting we have sinned and need a Savior. Humanity is fenced in on all sides. Fences of shame, guilt, hurt, and condemnation. On the gate is the lock of sin which has us trapped with no way to escape. Jesus stands at the gate with the keys having overcome death, hell and the grave. He is waiting for us the make the choice to follow Him and leave the pen of sin. Jesus offers freedom and if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. The freedom far outweighs what we have to give up or give away for it.

On another note. Buck and Rachael left yesterday for New York. It was a sad setting in our home last night. They will really be missed. Thankfully the cousins got to spend the last evening together. I look forward to hearing about their adventures to and living in New York.

Here's a just for fun Make TJ Drink

Current weather: 94 degrees is the expected high today. The haze is nearly gone. I could get use to these pleasant summer days.


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The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.