Saturday, August 04, 2007

Times Are Changing

WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!!! One week ago our home sold at auction. I thought that was pretty stressful. We did not have a starting price or minimum bid. We had no idea how much ourhome would go for. I am happy to say we did well. We will be signing all the paperwork on Monday and we must be out by Friday. Two week escrow!

I gave my notice at work. It is very difficult to be quitting a job I absolutly love. I submitted my letter and then told each of my ten staff members individually. They all had different responses. I am really going to miss everyone.

We are looking to rent a home in Knoxville. It is difficult because we have a dog and cat, neither of which the girls will let us get rid of. Once there and I get a job, we will be able to purchase a house of our own.

Speaking of a job, I had a phone interview on Friday and I thought it went well. Unfortunately, they needed someone right away, so they hired someone already in the area. There are a number of job opportunities available in that area. I have already had a couple call and ask me to come in once we get there. I think I will get a job fairly soon.

We had a yard sale today today. It was difficult seeing stuff go. Knoxille will be like starting over.

We are all doing well with these changes but it seems we have a number of obstacles, finding a house and a job. I know these are the big things, but we know God will provide. We should not doubt. He has spoken to us that he is going before us!

I think we will all be feeling better once we find a place on the other end and we are on the road. It could be a couple weeks for those.

Weather has been hot and dry. 104 today.

We must remember "Get Out Of Here"


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The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.