Thursday, February 07, 2008

Storms and Sushi

I still monitor the weather and news in California. As storms have nailed the Sacramento Valley and just about all of the west coast. Here in Tennessee, another type of weather has made itself known. Tornados ripped through the Nashville area and surrounding states. We are happy to report all we experienced was high winds and rain. I think part of it might be the effect the mountains have in counteracting the wind patterns. Thankfully, we are all safe and sound.

Last night we went out to eat sushi. Our last experience with sushi was at a place in Redding. It was not a pleasant experience, but last night was a whole different story. The atmosphere was great at the Stir Fry Cafe in West Knoxville. Hope had a salad. Grace adventured with us in trying sushi. It was very fun trying something new and eating with chopsticks.

Friday evening Tina and I will be trying something else new. We will be attending the Knoxville Opera for an early Valentine's Day date. I hear the Tennessee Theater is something to see!


1 comment:

Melody said...

Hi Norm, Tina, Hope and Grace! You were the first ones we thought of when we heard of the tornadoes, we are glad to hear you are all right! We really enjoy your blog, and are glad you are settling in so well. Tell Hope and Grace that Lauren and Beth miss them (you two are missed as well ;o)

The blog of Norm (and family). loving God, loving my family, loving people, living my life so that God smiles. making a great cup of coffee. enjoying time with my family. being the Church.